Rakshin Fellowship

5 Levels, 12 Certificates, 18 Modules

Upon completion of the First Level, newer levels of Rakshin Fellowship will unlock on their customized Profile Dashboards on the E-Learning Portal. The Rakshin Fellowship encompasses various levels, including:

LEVEL 1:  Gender Module, Each Teach Two & Creative Expressions.

LEVEL 2: Consent & The Power of No, Communication for Building Trust, Difficult Conversations

LEVEL 3: Conflict, Harm & Abuse, Power & Authority, De-escalating Conflict, Each Teach Ten.

LEVEL 4: Community Building, Messaging, On-Field Practical, Sexual Violence & Interpersonal Relationships, Domestic Violence, Sexual Harassment & Assault, Transformative & Restorative Justice.

LEVEL 5: Community Accountability & Individual Resilience. Seed Grant.